Saturday, February 7, 2009

al-salaam 'aalykum

So I have finally reached Meknes, and I have now been here for five days. Things have finally begun to fall into routine, I tell ya- it is nice to unpack and not live out of my suitcase anymore!

We left last Tuesday morning at 4am, many of us stayed up the night packing and others decided to keep themselves up in other ways, enjoying the Spanish nightlife once last time. There were students who came back a little worse for the wear, so that made the trip a little more stressful. I had a hard time that night, and my exhaustion may very well have played into it. I was just struck by the absence of the sense of security and support I've acquired through my friends and my school the past 3 years. I was surrounded by things I had not experienced with people that did not necessarily share the morals and personality that I have. So it was rough for a few days; what with cliques beginning to separate, but I believe I have begun to find my niche in the group.

Our trip began with a 3 hour bus ride into the port at southern Spain, and then a 2 hour ferry ride across the Strait of Gibraltar- which my stomach was none too pleased about, i might add. After that we proceeded with a 4+ hour busride through the very wet Moroccan countryside. At times we had to push our way through flood level waters.

I've gotten out to explore the area a bit. I live in an apartment in the Ville Nouelle, the 'New Citey' of Meknes. This part of town was built by the French when they came beside the existing city; what is now referred to as the medina. I have been out to the medina a few times, it is very easy to get lost in! there is a substantial market selling everything from goats heads to a gellaba, the traditional hooded robe that many Moroccans still wear. The medina is a treat for all senses, but i haven't had a chance to really enjoy it because the weather here is just as unpredictable as Minnesotan. there hasn't been a day yet without rain, but it will tease us with patches of sunlight and blue skies!

ive gotten a chance to meet a few moroccan students my age, and the famed hospitality is showing its face already. they are so willing to help us with anything and to make us feel comfortable in any way. I'm sure I will have no trouble finding friends here. I start my classes on Monday, so I am excited to see what that will bring about!

WELL it is after 1a here now, so I am gonna hit the sack.

NOTE i have changed my address if anyone wants to suprise me with a little snail mail:

Daniel Osted
(attn: Megan Fink)
BP 7251
5000 Meknes, MOROCCO

till next time...

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