Thursday, January 8, 2009

to begin...

Hey all-
I decided to start a blog so all my adventures here in Morocco can be well documented for your enjoyment. If there are any that you think should be getting notifications about blog updates feel free to give them the web link or let me know.

For those of you who haven't heard about my impending trip or for those who aren't satisfied by the description I have given to you I'll detail my semester to come here before I set off.

I will be flying out from Minneapolis on the 29th of January to Malaga, Spain and then busing to Granada to begin an orientation to my semester. While there I will get a chance to explore Spain and the culture there before hopping a ferry across the Strait of Gibraltar to Morocco, where I will be spending the rest of my semester. I will be attending a liberal arts college in Meknes. taking classes in Arabic, History and Culture of Morocco, Religion and Society in the Arab World and possible a Gender Studies course. I will be living in an apartment close to the university and in the heart of the city with 5 other girls from the U.S.

Some of you may know but Morocco was not my first choice to study abroad, and although it is where I have found myself it has not been without struggle. I originally planned for a semester in Cairo, but that fell through and I had to find another venue quickly. I chose Morocco because I was looking for a program in the Middle East or North Africa, with Arabic and Islamic studies. Morocco kind of fell into my lap after I thought all my opportunities were gone and I feel that it is where I am supposed to be for the semester! I have high hopes for this program.

So thats it! I leave in 20 days and I have alot to do in that time. Please keep me in your prayers and keep posted! Send me emails or letters! My address:

Dan Osted
(attn: Megan Fink)
BP 7251
5000 Meknes, MOROCCO


  1. Megan,

    Blogging is awesome! Hopefully you enjoy it, I tend to blog...every day.

    Good luck preparing for your trip!


  2. Megan, way to go girl. I am very glad that you have this great opportunity to take this trip. Enjoy yourself. Jack Fink

  3. Hey Megan,
    If you are reading this, you are probably in Spain, so !Hola! Hope everything is going as expected. I miss you already.
    Love you,
